
Caroline Stevens

My interest in death started years ago with the untimely and tragic deaths of 2 younger siblings.

I am trained in Social Work, Hospice Nursing (RN)and am a Doula for Dying ( a trained person who supports another who is terminally ill, depending on their needs and what their hopes are.

I am trained in the Speaking of Dying Curriculum (developed by Trudy James, CPE,) to lead individuals, small groups, families, or couples in becoming more comfortable talking about dying, their wishes and hopes for the near or far away future. Most who attend will create a Healthcare Advance Planning Document if they choose to.

My Doula for Dying training was with Zenith Virago. Originally from England, Zenith now lives in New Zealand and travels worldwide many months of the of the year. Although Zenith Calls herself a “Death Walker”, I think of myself as a person who knows a lot about peaceful dying and death and am willing, even eager to share what I know. I work to enhance empowerment, choice, and comfort. I also believe that talking about death with loved ones brings the fear and pain of loss out of the shadows into the light.

I live on Bainbridge Island. I lead workshops and provide individual and family consults. This can be done in person or remotely using technology depending on preferences and public health advisories. I can work with you to create your own workshop with family or friends.

Be Well.

Contact info: 360-990-8718; email